Silvern Skye

Art Development Plan


  1. Simplify Still life
  2. Guesture
  3. 2D & 3D shapes

Current Art project

  1. finsh and publish OC art work
  2. quick animation

Art Goals

For Myself

  • Worldbuilding entries & stories
  • My OCs
  • Animated films
  • Avatar Sprites
  • VR Avatars
  • Animation Memes
  • Fan Content
  • Effects animation


  1. Illustation
  2. Animation
  3. Comics
  4. Video Game Art
  5. Merch
  6. 3D

For and with others

  • Art Fight
  • Fan content of other
  • Videos
  • Animation MAPs
  • Re-Animated/Re-Draw projects
  • Art Challenges
  • Talk to folk online more


  • Clothing
  • Posters
  • Hardcopy Comics
  • Stickers
  • Fabric prints
  • Banners and stuff
  • Keychain & badges


  • Animation memes
  • Animatics
  • Animation MAPs
  • Comics
  • Avatar sprites
  • Banners and other marketing things
  • My OCs
  • Worldbuiding
  • Videos
  • Videogame animation
  • Animated Film
  • MSPA style comic

Fan Content

  • Fan art
  • Others OCs
  • Fan art for other fancontent
  • Fan animation
  • Illustation of a fanfic

Skills to Develop

  • Animation Pipeline
  • Daily Art Production
  • Regular Animation Memes
  • Regular posting

Aspirational Projects

Comic with my Worldbuilding

  • Hard copy
  • Merch & promo
  • Worldbuilding booklet

Animation film with Merch

  • Animated Film
  • Short comic
  • Sell it!
  • Merch things
  • Promotional stuff
  • Enter howard contest
  • Art of book

Animation Limited run series

  • On my worldbuilding?
  • Of my fandom? - display in the fandom showcases
  • Fanime

Do requests for others OCs

  • Tumblr
  • MLP
  • Indie games I play

Make an Ukagaka

Make content for a small fandom

Animation Projects

  • Host a MAP
  • Take part in a MAP
  • Take part in an Animation project
  • Fandom Game and animation project
  • Animated Music Video


  • MLP
  • Undertale/Deltarune
  • Homestuck

Fancontent for fanfic

  • Adapt a full fic to comic
  • Animate a scene
  • Chapter Art
  • Chapter header art
  • Draw a scene
  • Draw a character

Learn Plan

Draw the Frame

  1. Technicals
    • Perspective
    • Digital software - Ctl+Paint
    • Observation
    • Simplify Still life
    • 2D & 3D Shapes
  2. Characters (2 & 4 legs)
    • Gesture
    • Mannequins
    • Anatomy
    • Clothes
  3. Props and Setting
    • Prop draw
    • Street draw
    • Room draw
    • Simplify Complex Objects/Props
    • Characters in settings
  4. Polishing
    • Colours
    • Palettes & Colour Theory
    • Value
    • Lights & shadow
    • Line art
    • Compositing

Frame to Frame

  1. Shapes in Motion
    • Dots & lines
    • 2D shapes
    • Simple 3D shapes
    • 3D shapes with perspective
  2. Timing & Spacing
    • Squash & stretch
    • Straight ahead & pose to pose
    • Ease in, ease out
    • Timing
    • Spacing
    • Arcs
    • Anticipation
    • Secondary Action
  3. Characters in Motion
    • Gesture animation
    • Mannequin animation
    • Anatomy animation
    • Character animaton with clothes
    • Character Acting
    • Exaggeration
  4. Prop & setting in Motion
    • Background animation
    • Item animation
    • Character moving in the setting
    • Layout
  5. Polishing Animation
    • Composting scene
    • Scene building
    • Effects Animation
    • Animate to music

Story in the Frames

  1. Design
    • Character Design
    • Prop Design
    • Setting Design
  2. Polish
    • Composition
    • Staging
    • Compositing
    • Editing
    • Effects
    • Layout
  3. Mediums
    • Comics
    • StoryBoards & Animatics
  4. Writing
    • Characters - Verbise book
    • Plot and story
    • That one preprod book
    • Scripts and storybeats
    • Poetry
  5. Worldbuilding
    • DND adventure
    • Maps