- 23/06/24:
- finally put linux on my SSD
- finally updated the devlog
- 22/06/24:
- found a better tablet coding app with git integration
- maybe make a silk cap & silk scarf
- hxml and htmx
- found a great YT channel for php and html tutorials called Danni Krossing
- 12/06/24:
- found a great free PHP course on YT by Programming with Geo
- this is better for giving theory about php for an interview than something compact
- 09/06/24:
- started transferring my SSD data to a HDD
- its slooowww as its on a USB
- been thinking about learning php, cant use it for my neocities site unless i become a supporter
- bc i want to try to make some mock interactive websites &
- found this excellent php course on yt here [link]
- whenever i get round to doing any p5 projects, i can embed them in the html in a webComponent ala this blog post and have them click activated?
- 06/06/24:
- got github deployment on git working!
- ive set up linux for git & github
- ive downloaded vscodium, an open source build of vs code that doesn't have any of microsoft's trackers
- make a ao3 read later filter page?
- 05/06/24:
- realised that status websites /can/ use vanilla js
- researched into using github to deploy neocities for easier updating
- i want to try using hugo to reset up my github pages
- maybe i should host my own image server so i can put my there is
- need to figure out how to minimise images automatically
- with my move to linux ive moved my data to firefox; might choose a different one later
- thinking of making 2 different websites, a hugo one that will live on github pages and this neocity one which i will put on github & add add action for easier deployment and updates
- 04/06/24:
- Due to the whole Microsoft Recall fiasco I have finally started to deploy to Linux, got it installed on 64GB USB
- notably not a boot usb
- didn't realize there was a second step & you could just use Linux from the usb
- usb too slow this going to try to move my install to my SSD
- this youtube vid opened my eyes
- also a while ago:
- i found out about what art rpgs are and joined the paper demon one!
- ive starting learning xr for godot
- got materials for bookbinding and made my first 2 single signature books
- 4/4/24:
- updated art development page
- fixed semantic html - turned articles to sections
- fixed nav links
- added go to top
- 3/4/24:
- set up offline website development
- Updated Project page
- Made Art Development Plan project (linked in the projects page)
- 21/03/24:
- made the project page in to a index.html in the projects folder
- added a hitcounter from cutercounter
- 19/03/24:
- made the about me and credit pages and added them tot the nav
- changed the header styling
- reorganised the to do list
- other thoughts:
- I think this css theming is fine for now, ended up not using using sadgrl's layout maker. it was good for inspriation even though this website's theme ended up nothing like what i planned using the maker
- need to figure out a way to make iframe resise longer dynamcally
- 18/03/24:
- put devlog to different HTML file and integrated it back into the home page using iframe
- this is so i can display it in multiple pages but only update it once
- this may be changed later on but for now it works
- added article tags to other pages
- added basic Navigation
- 17/03/24:
- made my account on neocities
- completed the neocities html tutorial
- added basic file structure
- implemented basic CSS
- completed HTML hobbist's tutorial